Dear christoff,
I find "AIKABr.exe" but the message "dll injection failled." What should I do??
Dear christoff,
I find "AIKABr.exe" but the message "dll injection failled." What should I do??
I did some testing here to see why this error occurred, and only found a cause, it occurs when you click the AikaBR.exe when Xtrap.xt (which is itself Xtrap) starts, then I advise you to select the process the AikaBR.exe, before the Xtrap start, I hope to have solved your problem.
É pra ficar com medo?
Apenas observo...
Não faço nenhum tipo de venda de hack no jogo, então se in game ver algum "Leonardo PGC" não acredite, pois será alguém tentando te roubar.
tip = let aika in window mode and open wpe first, start aika from AIKABR.EXE and go fast at wpe window and select aikabr.exe process
sorry my bad english lol
dica coloca o aika em modo janela e fecha, ai tu abre o wpe dexa aberto clica rapidamente no aikabr.exe ai vai e escolhe o processo do aika mais tem que ser rapido senao vai dar o msm erro que vc ta tendo
good morning everyone aika game and managed to find the process easy aika
but I also tried to test the full the good that Xtrap not detected but I can not find the process in full wpe someone can help me
oh really?laika12 its is safe and works, hmm and write in english its no brazilian forum
work in other game?
Tested? Is it safe to use?
It works on so many games, Aika is an example, because this Wpe Pro was made exclusively for Mu Online, not Aika Online, was lucky not be detected in Aika, and how the system of anti-cheats Aika is "strong" , and this Wpe Pro is undetectable in several games might use smoothly.
100% safe, regardless of the virus he has, I use a long time, well before it had even been posted here in the PGC, and does not cause anything to the computer.
É pra ficar com medo?
Apenas observo...
Não faço nenhum tipo de venda de hack no jogo, então se in game ver algum "Leonardo PGC" não acredite, pois será alguém tentando te roubar.
Thanks leeonardo!
I see the scan on VirusTotal and I preferred not to risk ...
But, works perfectly!
Thanks christoff!
Thanks, it worked perfectly here !