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    leeonardo is offline
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    Aika BR - Card Number and Pin Code Generator

    I will be available through this post a simple pin code generator for Aika BR.
    Some explanations, the chance of finding a valid pin code is very small, but as the program generates all possible pin codes, at some point you had found one that works.
    Also depends on your luck, you can find a valid code in one minute or one day if you want to test their luck, low and use the program.

    Virustotal result: 0%

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    Last edited by Grooguz; 2012-06-10 at 04:21 PM. Reason: Update.

    É pra ficar com medo?

    Apenas observo...

    Não faço nenhum tipo de venda de hack no jogo, então se in game ver algum "Leonardo PGC" não acredite, pois será alguém tentando te roubar.

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    Iguinho90 is offline
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    Put a scan in your topic please

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    leeonardo is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iguinho90 View Post
    Put a scan in your topic please
    Do not worry, I am already providing, and soon I'll post.

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    Luiiz is offline
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    brother is to send me the password? have thanked but still do not have the necessary posts

    Thanks ^^

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    CaspsLock is offline
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    Maybe with some luck and time to brows the codes can be a good profit.

    if possible send me the password by PM would be very grateful because I can not send PM <

    Google translator


    thanks !

    Talvez com pouco de sorte e tempo para testas os codigos pode haver um bom lucro.

    se for possivel me mandar a senha por PM ficaria muito grato , pois nao posso mandar PM<

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    LKMaster is offline
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    Hello Friend leeonardo, good topic, I believe it will help many, I already gave you a thanks, it was deserved And if you would ask me to send the password by PM. thank you
    Portugues BR:

    Ola Amigo leeonardo, topico bom, acredito que vai ajudar muitos, eu ja te dei um agradecimento, foi merecido . E gostaria de pedir se tem como me enviar a senha pelo Pm. Obrigado

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    leeonardo is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by LKMaster View Post
    Amigo leeonardo, eu estou tentando mas nenhum quer dar certo, eu devo digitar o numero do cartao no site da ongame, ou dentro do proprio jogo, e qual a função do Pin Code (perdoe a minha leiguisse). Obrigado.
    Well, it's like I said, the program will generate several codes, are not all going to work, chances are you will find one that works is low, but at least not impossible, then the solution is to keep trying until you succeed.
    And on the Pin Code, has almost the same function as the Number Card, the only difference is that recommend using the codes generated by it in the Premium Shop in the game.

    Bom, é como eu disse, o programa irá gerar varios códigos, não serão todos que vão funcionar, a chance de você encontrar um que funcione é baixa, mas pelo menos não impossivel, então, o jeito é ir tentando até conseguir.
    E sobre o Pin Code, tem quase a mesma função do Number Card, a unica diferença é que recomendo usar os codigos gerados por ele na Loja Premium dentro do jogo.

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    leeonardo is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by LKMaster View Post
    Amigo, obrigado, mas nao é que voce nao seja um otimo progamador, por isso mesmo que eu estou um pouco duvidoso, nao tem a possibilidade de ele ter algum tipo de "keylloger" ou algo do genero para pegar as senhas dos jogos, (oque eu duvido muito, porque voce ja tem bastantes posts e agradecimentos no forum) e eu olhei no processexplorer e nada se abre juntamente com ele, apenas o programa mesmo, mas como eu sou leigo eu fiquei na duvida. Perdoe a minha desconfiança, mas acho que muitos vao se questionar sobre isso, e acredito que seja bom deixar bem claro que suas intençoes sao claras e tranparentes.

    Friend, thank you, but is not that you will not be an optimal progamador, so even though I'm a little doubtful, do not have the possibility of it having some kind of "keylloger" or something to get the passwords genre of games, (What do I doubt very much, because you already have enough posts in the forum and thanks) and I looked in ProcessExplorer and nothing opens with him, just the program itself, but as I am layman I was in doubt. Forgive my suspicion, but I think many will wonder about this, and believe it is good to make it clear that his intentions are clear and tranparentes.
    Eu entendo que você esteja desconfiado, e por certo lado até agradeço por dizer isso, mas não se preocupe, eu nunca iria fazer um programa com keylloger e divulga-lo aki na PGC, não quero ser banido ^^.
    Mas não se preocupe, eu tenho outro programa deste genero em meu computador, mas como não queria arriscar, decidi fazer este, e pode perceber que a taxa de virus é 0, até o próprio cliente do Aika não fecha quando o programa é executado junto com o jogo, pois é inofensivo e totalmente limpo.

    I understand that you are suspicious, right side up and thank you for saying this, but do not worry, I would never make a program with keylloger and publish it in the PGC aki, do not want to get banned ^ ^.
    But do not worry, I have another program of this kind on my computer, but how could not risk, I decided to do this, and can see that the rate of virus is 0, even the client Aika does not close when the program is run in conjunction with the game because it is totally harmless and clean.

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    leandrosilv is offline
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    Could you send me the password? ... advantage, I come to give you an idea, for a tutorial on where the PIN codes and the number of cards .. I did not know it took me more than I thought it would be nice if you put a tutorial .. I thank you ^ ^

    ______________________________________Portugues___ __________________________________________________

    Voce poderia me mandar a senha?... aproveitando, eu venho te dar uma ideia, de por um tutorial de onde por os codigos PIN e o numero do cartao.. Eu nao sabia demorei mais achei, seria legal se vc colocasse um tutorial.. desde ja agradeço ^^

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    leeonardo is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by leandrosilv View Post
    Could you send me the password? ... advantage, I come to give you an idea, for a tutorial on where the PIN codes and the number of cards .. I did not know it took me more than I thought it would be nice if you put a tutorial .. I thank you ^ ^

    ______________________________________Portugues___ __________________________________________________

    Voce poderia me mandar a senha?... aproveitando, eu venho te dar uma ideia, de por um tutorial de onde por os codigos PIN e o numero do cartao.. Eu nao sabia demorei mais achei, seria legal se vc colocasse um tutorial.. desde ja agradeço ^^
    Password sent Leandro, and I liked your idea will soon post a tutorial on how to use the generator.

    Senha enviada leandro, e gostei de sua idéia, em breve postarei um tutorial de como usar o gerador.

    ---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Catapults View Post
    Could I pass the password by pm friend?
    Quote Originally Posted by Espigatomica View Post
    Hi, bro u could send me the password?
    Give "thanks" first.

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