How to make a Macro for Aika Battlefield using BEM
-Blue Eye Macro (BEM for short) Which can be downloaded here. Blue Eye Macro • Index page
-A USB mouse (pretty sure)
Help. Before you start Open BEM go to General->Settings->Input and click install drivers or it will not work.
Also in Input Under keyboard/mouse make sure Virtual Drivers is checked under BOTH.
1. Open Aika and BEM.
On BEM click on "create" under the Developer tab. After that make sure you're in design view.
Than click the first box make it If than Image->can be located on screen
Path: insert the picture of your unready name (next step)
Percent: 95-100 (I use 100)
2. On Aika go to a Battlefield lobby.
On BEM click Tools->Investigate
Pull up Aika and make sure you can see you'r unready name press "Print Screen"
Now On investigate Hold right click and drag a box over your name dont get anything outside the box ,or it won't work. Now click "Save Image"
Save it where you want but insert it in path from Step 1.
3. Now next box should be Begin->Mouse->click at coordinate.
Now open up investigator using the button next to X and Y boxes.
Left click on the ready button in Investigator to get the Coordinates. Than click set and than Import.
On the button type "left".
Next box will be End.
4. On the left column MAKE SURE you click infinite next to loops or itll do it once.
Make sure you Put a name and Category
Than if you want to Enable/Disable it use key commands Click Triggers->Enable Triggers and than set the commands.
I think that's it. If you have any questions about anything I might have left out or anything just ask
If this helped you or you liked this please click thanks![]()