So the old Blue Eye Macro trick where you are able to afk fish has been around for quite some time now. The problem I noticed with it is that you use up your 1000 bait and then you're done, at 6 seconds a fish you'll be through the bait in an hour and 40 minutes. That's alright but if you're like me then you want something more long term. I have made a very simple tweak to the regular perfect fishing macro found in the repository (I'm not sure who the author is, but it is named Perfect fishing). My lines of code I've added will rebait your rod after you have used your 1000 bait, and it will do so up to 5 times. Allowing 6000 bait to be used, thats 10 hours of straight perfect fishing. I don't know about you but that sounds great to me. It's actually quite simple and I will show you using a picture walkthrough:
Step 1: Open Blue Eye Macro and click on Repository Macros
Step 2: Import the "perfect Fishing" macro into your local macros by right clicking
Step 3: Create two predefined variables on the left hand side, they can be named whatever but for my code they are named Counter and xcoor. Counter must = 0 and for me xcoor had to = 1143 but it may be different for everyone so I'll get to that later
Step 4: Delete all the code and paste in this
Keyboard.Press key("1")
Color.Limit area of interest to coordinates("0", "0", "336", "28")
Function.Execute with timeout("fish", "4500")
Keyboard.Press key("{<space>}")
Variable.Evaluate (Math)("{Counter} + 1", "Counter")
if Variable.Is equal to("Counter", "1000")
Function.Execute ("bait")
begin loop()
if Color.Can be located on screen (RGB)("106", "134", "250", "5")
Color.Find coordinate of first occurrence (RGB)("106", "134", "250", "5", "x", "y")
begin loop()
// Variable.Add (Math)("x", "3")
if Color.Near coordinate is within (RGB range)("209", "238", "195", "20", "{x}", "{y}", "25")
Macro.Break from loop("no")
Macro.Break from loop("no")
Variable.Evaluate (Math)("{Counter} - 1000", "Counter")
Macro.Wait for current global loop execution time to exceed("1726")
Mouse.Move to coordinate("{xcoor}", "80")
Macro.Wait for current global loop execution time to exceed("3915")
Mouse.Hold button("left")
Macro.Wait for current global loop execution time to exceed("4003")
Mouse.Release button("left")
Macro.Wait for current global loop execution time to exceed("4082")
Mouse.Click at coordinate("{xcoor}", "80", "left")
Macro.Wait for current global loop execution time to exceed("6442")
Mouse.Move to coordinate("679", "282")
Macro.Wait for current global loop execution time to exceed("12233")
Variable.Evaluate (Math)("{xcoor} +50", "xcoor")
Step 5: Add triggers
Step 6: This part I've highlighted here is what's mostly specific to my computer and will be different on everybody elses. To get your coordinates is actually quite simple.
Step 6a: Open up aika and put your inventory into the very top right corner
Step 6b: Now open up the record function on Blue Eye Macro and put your mouse in a very specific position on the Aika screen. (I put my mouse over the "d" in my guild name, it's best to have a reference point on your character)
Step 6c: Start recording, move your mouse from that position, to your inventory and double click on the top left inventory slot and then move your mouse back to the starting position and end the recording.
Step 6d: that chunk of code then replaces what I had highlighted except you have to remember to substitute the "xcoor" into the x coordinate spots like I did in mine. Now take the original X coordinates that you got from the recording (should all be the same) and sub that value into the xcoor's value (where I have 1143)
Step 7: Now all you have to do is go into Aika put your fishing bar in the top left, put your inventory in the top right, fill the entire top row of your inventory with stacks of 1000 bait, put your mouse in your specific position from step 6b, press 1 and start the macro.
Step 8: Sit back and relax, you've got a lot of fishing to do
Anyways I don't know if you'll all find this helpful but it worked really great for me and feel free to ask questions. Also I dont take credit for the Macro in the repository it is from an unknown source. It would be easy to edit this macro with variables so that the mouse also moves down 50 pixels after every 5 stacks are used and you could ultimately fish for 15000 bait but I don't know if anyone would be interested in that. Anyways, thanks for listening and happy fishing!
EDIT: Added Images