Ulquiorra please put the package ...... Very good your topic
I'll try this hack tonight in AikaBR
PS: my english sks
I try to use thispacket using WPE, and is working!
Thank you so much!
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Sry for my bad English. I'm just Russian tard.
Can someone PM-me and teach me how to do that in portuguese?
I'm a little stupid '-'
Gonna try this tonight anyway
Alguém pode me mandar PM ensinando como se faz isso?
Sou um pouco idiota '-'
Vou tentar fazer isso hoje à noite de qualquer forma.
thanks for the packet
I'll try to stop the Xtrap for open the wpe
Can anyone help me by PM if possible in Portuguese?
To really willing to put my adult pran xD
Alguem pode me ajudar por PM em português se possivel ?
To muito com vontade de colocar minha pran adulta xD
Dont work anymore??