I really don't understand you Eduardo, really, tell me, whats wrong with you, about my person? what a f#ck I do for you? man... Grow up, please. is the better you can do.
I really don't understand you Eduardo, really, tell me, whats wrong with you, about my person? what a f#ck I do for you? man... Grow up, please. is the better you can do.
Hello BR Community, There is now a AikaBR Bot now - Testing Stage. please let me know if everything is functioning properly. also please read the first post(32 bit systems only and FOLLOW THE STEPS)
I fallow steps, and my system is Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit, I cannot see right the error, but, a lot of tiny windows appeared to me when I log-in my char, BOT and Aika close in the same time.
Ok, I do, work, thanks
another thing, Cool, is working, but, look, I "clear" Skill~2 and Buffs, I let only Skill~1 with keynumber "1" (atack) buff the bot skill using Skill in number "2", why that?
I disable Skill~2, Buff~1 and Buff~2
I only use Skill~1.
But, even doing this, the Bot continue using ( press hotkey for: ) Skill~2, Buff~1 and Buff~2
and the F10 key don't stop the bot,
but thats ok, this bot is great, for us, we don't have any bot, that is very useful.
any idea on when aika global bot will be able to use on xp 32bit?.. hopefully soon
so any idea on estimated time of arrival for aika gb 32 bit?