Hello everyone.
Test option. Description and specifications are subject to change.
Required Level: 89
Costs OM: 2293
Piece fatsiona:12
Cooldown: 84 seconds
Inflict 3275 damage to the enemy mage within a radius of 5 meters and freezes the enemy for 4 sec ice tornadoes centered on uses.
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Required Level: 89
Costs OM 2640
Piece fatsiona:12
Cooldown: 180 seconds
Increases physical and magical defense for himself and a group of 55% for 14 seconds.
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Required Level: 89
Costs OM: 2282
Piece fatsiona:12
Cooldown: 82 seconds
Increases physical damage by 45% for 10 seconds, a double attack by 25% and reduces the strength of 30%.
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Soul Gem
Required Level: 89
Costs OM: 8918
Piece fatsiona 12
Cooldown: 112 seconds
Revitalizes goal after 1 second with 35% HP and MP in the case of the death of targets no later than 300 seconds until use.
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Multi trap
Required Level: 89
Costs OM: 1474
Piece fatsiona 12
Cooldown: 55 seconds
Deals 2106 Physical damage to an enemy and its surroundings within a radius of 6 meters, reduces the enemy's movement speed by 21 for 5 seconds.
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Frozen force
Required Level: 89
Costs OM 1733
Piece fatsiona 12
Cooldown: 28 seconds
Deals 1684 Physical damage to an enemy and its surroundings.
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[server AikaRU]
[google translate]
Thank you all :)