The Aitan Arena
The Aitan Arena is one of the new types of battlefield in updating the EPIC III.
Here one enters who are level 71 +.
Do not know yet how it will be to enter the Arena. For example: call (Aitan Battle) by teleport NPC (battle field), etc..
But thinking here, something tells me it will be by summons, like Aitan Battle!
In this case there will be specific times for the battles (if there is more than one).
Continuing ... to be teleported into the Arena, you will be randomly placed within a team, Blue or Red.
Duration of each match: 10 minutes
The reward for me SEEMS Arena Medals of Courage be.
The victory conditions are:
Complete-200 points
-Finish the game with more points than the opponent
obs: Destroy the opponent's flag gets points
As in Battle Squadron, here the two teams always win something (unless you give a tie).