If You're looking for the tutorial to use YCS hacks on AikaBR or The tutorial for AikaBR - YCXTrap
- Scroll Down to the bottom.
* Pictures may be old but the same method still applies to the latest version(AikaYCS).
AikaYCS can be downloaded here: https://progamercity.net/aika-hack/7...e-aikaycs.html
1. Open AikaYCS.
2. Select the server you want to play/hack:
3. Go to the "Hacks" tab and click the button "Hacks/Bypass"
4. You will enter a screen to Login/Register or to redeem code-key & run application. - Skip to Step 6 if you already have a key and could launch the Application.
- If you're new, you would need to register an account(Not related to your IGN or Account)
5. After you successfully logged in, it will require a "Code - Key" for access to the hack menu(YCS).
Key can be required by purchasing a code key, you have to click on the button of "1 week" or "1 month" code key and then i will send the key to your paypal email or you can send me a email at yizhengchn@gmail.com for confirmation.
Here are the buttons to click to purchase a code key:
6. Once you go the key and working, press the launch application button on the bottom.
7. The hack menu will appear (YCS) and now you can select the available hacks you want:
8. After selecting the hacks. Do not open the game yet or let it running: if it's running(close it or end task and kill it) When the game is closed, you may click the button "Set":
When you press set, it should change to the button "Waiting for game~"
9. Now you can launch the game from the launcher or from the .exe(like AikaBR/Sea not AikaEN/RU/Indo)
AikaEN - Example launcher
10. Once the game loads up, the YCS menu should disapear and the game will be launched with the selected hacks you wanted.
AikaBR YCXtrap
*Regarding for help/questions. Email me at yizhengchn@gmail.com
* This method is require to use YCS hacks on the latest Xtrap updates. - YCS User Only
* You have a choice to back up your "Xtrap" folder first before applying this method.
Step 0:
Before you attempt to do this method!, it's very important to update your Game(Aika) to the latest version.
* VERY Important Step!
To do that:
1. Run the game from the launcher and wait till the game is "READY" to play.
2. Do not press/click play yet!!. close the launcher and go to Step 1 - Below
Step 1:
Once you have downloaded the latest version(AikaYCS), copy "AikaYCS.exe" & "AikaYCS.exe.config(you may not see the config extension)
Step 1(a):
Copy those 2 files into your "AikaBR" "Main folder" directory and then run the program(Admin mode).
Step 2:
Once you have reach to the YCS Menu. You will notice there is a big button on the bottom
Click on the "AikaBR YCXTrap" button and it will check if you had completed(Step 1 or not) then it will pop up a message saying it could take a min to download depending on your internet speed.
* There is no progress bar to show how much time till it's finished.
- There will be another notification message once the download is finished.
Step 3:
When everything is done(Step 1 & 2). To play the game, you "MUST Set an YCS Hack! - anyhack will work" then to run/play the game, you "MUST" run from "AIKABR.exe"(AikaBR main folder directory - you can create a short cut if you like) to execute through the newly patched Xtrap files.
*You have to "Press the Set" button to imitate the game with the new Xtrap files - if you do not press set and ran the game normally(AikaBR.exe or from the launcher) you will get Xtrap error Messages.
- YCS will take care of the necessary steps to allow your game to run smoothly.
If you want to restore the game to defualt or play the game without any Xtrap errors(defualt):
- you can easily delete the "Xtrap" folder and replace it with the backup you made(if you didn't, it's okay - read below)
- Delete the "Xtrap" folder and run the game from the "launcher/updater" and Xtrap will self update to the latest client and you will be able to play the game normally again.