This is my guide[DummiC]on leveling in 2Moons.
So first, for some people who might not wan't to read this whole thing at once, I've broke it up in to sections, which you can find by copying and pasting the code into the Find Tab[Ctrl+F]And I'll post the index here for those of you who don't want to scroll down:
The Basics[2MLGS1]
Required Equipment Level[2MLGS2]
Dungeon Levels[2MLGS3]
Area Levels[2MLGS4]
Leveling: Tips and Tricks[2MLGS5]
Now, to start off on the guide:
[2MLGS1]The Basics:
Now, if you are going to learn how to level up, you must know what some basic things are, lets start of by telling you what EXP is:
EXP is a short word for experience, it does mean what you have experienced, as in, what you have felt, touched, heard and saw. Also, in games experience is a percentage out of 100[Possibly Higher, but its 100 in this game] that tells you how much more you need to kill to level up.
The way experience works, is when you do something, such as kill a monster, your experience gets higher, and you get a step further to getting your level up.
Now, for those of you who don't know, a level is a number that counts how many times you have hit 100% experience, it's also a number that mean's you can equip better items.
Every time that you level up, getting your experience up gets harder, according to what monsters you fight. But about that later.
Also, you should know there are other ways of gaining experience, theres not just killing monsters.
Heres a list of the basic ways you can gain experience in:
* By Killing monsters
* By Fishing[Must Be Succesful]
* By Completing a Dungeon
* By Finishing a Quest
Experience can be gained quickly and slowly, this depends on your level AND on what monsters you fight
The only way you can tell if monsters give decent experience, is by the colour of their name. This is the type of colour code that will really help you when leveling, so you can find out what type of monsters to fight.
This is how the colour code works:
Red: Dangerous, The monster shouldn't be attacked, but you can at your own risk. You will get pretty decent exp.
White: Neutral, You can attack the monster and get some decent experience, maybe not as good as a Dangerous monster.
Green: Weak, Dont attack the monster because you will easily be able to kill it, and the exp is pretty low.
That way, you will be able to know which monsters to fight.
Also, a thing to watch out for is if a monster is red, you might be able to kill it, but with some difficulty, and a possible chance of death.
[2MLGS2]Required Equipment Level:
As you level up, you will need to buy new equipment to stay fresh and powerfull.
Here is a really complicated chart about what armours and weapons you get and at what level you get them at.
The number at the side is the level required, and the others are just names.
Also, this is only the Set section, under it is the weapon section.
Azure Knight:
The Valour Set
2 Valour Pants
3 Valour Boots
4 Valour Glove
5 Valour Armor
6 Valour Helmet
Gaurdian Set:
14 Guardian Pants
15 Guardian Boots
16 Guardian Glove
17 Guardian Armor
18 Guardian Helmet
Thunder Set:
27 Thunder Pants
28 Thunder Boots
29 Thunder Glove
30 Thunder Armor
31 Thunder Helmet
Titan Set:
40 Titan Pants
41 Titan Boots
42 Titan Glove
43 Titan Armor
44 Titan Helmet
Radiance Set:
52 Radiance Pants
53 Radiance Boots
54 Radiance Glove
55 Radiance Armor
56 Radiance Helmet
Aquila Set:
64 Aquila Pants
65 Aquila Boots
66 Aquila Glove
67 Aquila Armor
68 Aquila Helmet
Eternity Set:
76 Eternity Pants
77 Eternity Boots
78 Eternity Glove
79 Eternity Armor
80 Eternity Helmet
Quasar Set:
88 Quasar Pants
89 Quasar Boots
90 Quasar Glove
91 Quasar Armor
92 Quasar Helmet
Cyrus Set[Truly one of my favourites]:
100 Cyrus Pants
102 Cyrus Boots
104 Cyrus Glove
106 Cyrus Armor
108 Cyrus Helmet
Legendary Sets:
The Polaris Set:
46 Polaris Pants
47 Polaris Boots
48 Polaris Glove
49 Polaris Armor
50 Polaris Helmet
The Conqueror Set:
58 Conqueror Pants
59 Conqueror Boots
60 Conqueror Glove
61 Conqueror Armor
62 Conqueror Helmet
The Balder Set:
82 Balder Pants
84 Balder Boots
86 Balder Glove
88 Balder Armor
90 Balder Helmet
Bagi Warrior:
Spine Set:
2 Spine Pants
3 Spine Boots
4 Spine Glove
5 Spine Armor
6 Spine Helmet
Brabus Set:
14 Brabus Pants
15 Brabus Boots
16 Brabus Glove
17 Brabus Armor
18 Brabus Helmet
Oxhorn Set:
27 Oxhorn Pants
28 Oxhorn Boots
29 Oxhorn Glove
30 Oxhorn Armor
31 Oxhorn Helmet
Lumen Set:
40 Lumen Pants
41 Lumen Boots
42 Lumen Glove
43 Lumen Armor
44 Lumen Helmet
Baratur Set:
52 Baratur Pants
53 Baratur Boots
54 Baratur Glove
55 Baratur Armor
56 Baratur Helmet
Leo Set:
64 Leo Pants
65 Leo Boots
66 Leo Glove
67 Leo Armor
68 Leo Helmet
Hercules Set:
76 Hercules Pants
77 Hercules Boots
78 Hercules Glove
79 Hercules Armor
80 Hercules Helmet
Constantiia Set:
88 Constantiia Pants
89 Constantiia Boots
90 Constantiia Glove
91 Constantiia Armor
92 Constantiia Helmet
Caelum Set:
100 Caelum Pants
102 Caelum Boots
104 Caelum Glove
106 Caelum Armor
108 Caelum Helmet
Legendary Sets:
The Gigas Set:
46 Gigas Pants
47 Gigas Boots
48 Gigas Glove
49 Gigas Armor
50 Gigas Helmet
Agri Set:
58 Agri Pants
59 Agri Boots
60 Agri Glove
61 Agri Armor
62 Agri Helmet
Tornaq Set:
82 Tornaq Pants
84 Tornaq Boots
86 Tornaq Glove
88 Tornaq Armor
90 Tornaq Helmet
Vicious Summoner:
Arcane Set:
2 Arcane Pants
3 Arcane Boots
4 Arcane Glove
5 Arcane Armor
6 Arcane Helmet
Dire Set:
14 Dire Pants
15 Dire Boots
16 Dire Glove
17 Dire Armor
18 Dire Helmet
NobleOcre Set:
27 NobleOcre Pants
28 NobleOcre Boots
29 NobleOcre Glove
30 NobleOcre Armor
31 NobleOcre Helmet
Bianca Set:
40 Bianca Pants
41 Bianca Boots
42 Bianca Glove
43 Bianca Armor
44 Bianca Helmet
Aeprit Set:
52 Aeprit Pants
53 Aeprit Boots
54 Aeprit Glove
55 Aeprit Armor
56 Aeprit Helmet
Phoenix Set:
64 Phoenix Pants
65 Phoenix Boots
66 Phoenix Glove
67 Phoenix Armor
68 Phoenix Helmet
Abraxas Set:
76 Phoenix Pants
77 Phoenix Boots
78 Phoenix Glove
79 Phoenix Armor
80 Phoenix Helmet
Eudaemon Set:
88 Eudaemon Pants
89 Eudaemon Boots
90 Eudaemon Glove
91 Eudaemon Armor
92 Eudaemon Helmet
Ardor Set:
100 Ardor Pants
102 Ardor Boots
104 Ardor Glove
106 Ardor Armor
108 Ardor Helmet
Legend Sets:
The Chaotic Set:
46 Chaotic Pants
47 Chaotic Boots
48 Chaotic Glove
49 Chaotic Armor
50 Chaotic Helmet
The Arc Ribs Set:
58 Arch's Rib Pants
59 Arch's Rib Boots
60 Arch's Rib Glove
61 Arch's Rib Armor
62 Arch's Rib Helmet
Arch Diva Helmets:
71 Arc Deva Helmet [Effects] DEF +12 MP +100 Ice Resistance +7%
70 Vanzer Deva Helmet [Effects] HP +180 MP +125 Lightning Resistance +6%
The Picaresque Set:
82 Picaresque Pants
84 Picaresque Boots
86 Picaresque Glove
88 Picaresque Armor
90 Picaresque Helmet
Rose Set:
2 Rose Pants
3 Rose Boots
4 Rose Glove
5 Rose Armor
6 Rose Helmet
Atiranks Set:
14 Atiranks Pants
15 Atiranks Boots
16 Atiranks Glove
17 Atiranks Armor
18 Atiranks Helmet
Mustang Set:
27 Mustang Pants
28 Mustang Boots
29 Mustang Glove
30 Mustang Armor
31 Mustang Helmet
Nobles Set:
40 Nobles Pants
41 Nobles Boots
42 Nobles Glove
43 Nobles Armor
44 Nobles Helmet
Sharman Set:
52 Sharman Pants
53 Sharman Boots
54 Sharman Glove
55 Sharman Armor
56 Sharman Helmet
Lumier Set:
64 Lumier Pants
65 Lumier Boots
66 Lumier Glove
67 Lumier Armor
68 Lumier Helmet
Reverence Set:
76 Reverence Pants
77 Reverence Boots
78 Reverence Glove
79 Reverence Armor
80 Reverence Helmet
Soleil Set:
88 Soleil Pants
89 Soleil Boots
90 Soleil Glove
91 Soleil Armor
92 Soleil Helmet
Seigneur Set:
100 Seigneur Pants
102 Seigneur Boots
104 Seigneur Glove
106 Seigneur Armor
108 Seigneur Helmet
Legendary Sets:
The Sillhoutte Set:
46 Silhouette Pants
47 Silhouette Boots
48 Silhouette Glove
49 Silhouette Armor
50 Silhouette Helmet
The Esprit Set:
58 Esprit Pants
59 Esprit Boots
60 Esprit Glove
61 Esprit Armor
62 Esprit Helmet
The Arabesque Set:
82 Arabesque Pants
84 Arabesque Boots
86 Arabesque Glove
88 Arabesque Armor
90 Arabesque Helmet
Segita Hunter:
Rapid Set:
2 Rapid Pants
3 Rapid Boots
4 Rapid Glove
5 Rapid Armor
6 Rapid Helmet
Fairy Set:
14 Fairy Pants
15 Fairy Boots
16 Fairy Glove
17 Fairy Armor
18 Fairy Helmet
Tempest Set:
27 Tempest Pants
28 Tempest Boots
29 Tempest Glove
30 Tempest Armor
31 Tempest Helmet
Silf Set:
40 Silf Pants
41 Silf Boots
42 Silf Glove
43 Silf Armor
44 Silf Helmet
Garuda Set:
52 Garuda Pants
53 Garuda Boots
54 Garuda Glove
55 Garuda Armor
56 Garuda Helmet
Astral Set:
64 Astral Pants
65 Astral Boots
66 Astral Glove
67 Astral Armor
68 Astral Helmet
Empress Set:
76 Empress Pants
77 Empress Boots
78 Empress Glove
79 Empress Armor
80 Empress Helmet
Zenith Set:
88 Zenith Pants
89 Zenith Boots
90 Zenith Glove
91 Zenith Armor
92 Zenith Helmet
Eulogy Set:
100 Eulogy Pants
102 Eulogy Boots
104 Eulogy Glove
106 Eulogy Armor
108 Eulogy Helmet
Legendary Sets:
The Valkyrie Set:
46 Valkyrie Pants
47 Valkyrie Boots
48 Valkyrie Glove
49 Valkyrie Armor
50 Valkyrie Helmet
The Agnis Set:
58 Agnis Pants
59 Agnis Boots
60 Agnis Glove
61 Agnis Armor
62 Agnis Helmet
The Ostera Set:
82 Ostera Pants
84 Ostera Boots
86 Ostera Glove
88 Ostera Armor
90 Ostera Helmet
Incar Magician:
Breath Set:
2 Breath Pants
3 Breath Boots
4 Breath Glove
5 Breath Armor
6 Breath Helmet
Muse Set:
14 Muse Pants
15 Muse Boots
16 Muse Glove
17 Muse Armor
18 Muse Helmet
Minerva Set:
27 Minerva Pants
28 Minerva Boots
29 Minerva Glove
30 Minerva Armor
31 Minerva Helmet
Supia Set:
40 Supia Pants
41 Supia Boots
42 Supia Glove
43 Supia Armor
44 Supia Helmet
Mirage Set:
52 Mirage Pants
53 Mirage Boots
54 Mirage Glove
55 Mirage Armor
56 Mirage Helmet
Imperial Set:
64 Imperial Pants
65 Imperial Boots
66 Imperial Glove
67 Imperial Armor
68 Imperial Helmet
Pulchcrrima Set:
76 Pulchcrrima Pants
77 Pulchcrrima Boots
78 Pulchcrrima Glove
79 Pulchcrrima Armor
80 Pulchcrrima Helmet
Solongos Set:
88 Solongos Pants
89 Solongos Boots
90 Solongos Glove
91 Solongos Armor
92 Solongos Helmet
Canopy Set:
100 Canopy Pants
102 Canopy Boots
104 Canopy Glove
106 Canopy Armor
108 Canopy Helmet
Okay, I'm not going to do the Legendary Set for Incar Magician yet, and not the weapons either.
Now, theres another thing you need to now.
As you level, you will gain something called Stat Points, 5 of them anyway. You can spend them on training some little points called stats.
Stats are some points that can either increase your HP and Damage, and sometimes even increase your MP. They can make something stronger, like making you stronger as you level up. You must choose what you want to invest your stats into, there are 4 Things that you can invest into, and you only have five stat points per level. And you can only invest a stat point in one stat.
The Five Stats are:
Also, every time you level, you get a Skill Point[Only one] which you can invest in your skills.
You know your first skill you get, you can level that up, or even spend that point to get a new skill, and then level that up.
BUT!!! With some classes[Such as Azure Knight] you get lots of weapons, and you can only invest your Points in one set of skills, so choose carefully which one your going to invest into.
I stayed 30 min to write it so i hope admin will validate my account , also its not finished don't have time to but maybe other time i'll finish it.